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Sauver la démocratie française


Si la démocratie consiste à permettre aux citoyens de prendre librement en étant bien informés, les meilleures décisions pour les générations présentes et futures, alors nous ne sommes pas en démocratie.

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Make a useful vote


The forthcoming regional elections appear to be a foregone conclusion. In fact, all this is virtual and nothing
is more dangerous for democracy than this feeling of accomplished fact:voters are sovereign.

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Happiness, as in Bhutan


Bhutan, in the late seventies, defined and implemented the concept of
Gross National Happiness (GNH), is it happier than the others?

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Family leave


It happens that the possibility of a small reform, seemingly purely
technical, carries in fact the seeds of very profound transformations of
customs, and very significant impact on the structure of our societies.

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Nice guys, these thieves…


Two extraordinary heists in France have hit the headlines this week: an armoured truck guard from Lyon drove away with eleven million euros after 10 years of good and faithful services. A postman quietly made off with a million euros. No one was robbed at these thefts, just the institution of banking.

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The genius of the french


Identity is like love: the more we theorize about it, the less we know what
it is. And, generally, we discuss about it especially when we do not know
how to live it any more.

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A French scandal


In this beautiful country, we talk a lot about solidarity, we pride

ourselves of our “French social model”, but we do not really show solidarity.
