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Who will be the master, Trump or Musk and company?


Too often, when we observe a phenomenon, we forget to ask ourselves two essential questions: Is it new? Does it exist elsewhere? And yet, comparisons in time and space make an enormous contribution to forward-looking analysis. For example, we can’t…

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Who needs us?


There’s one question everyone should always ask themselves: who needs me? Anyone who answers “Nobody” is in great danger. Because, in the end, we are only defended, supported and protected by those who, for rational or emotional reasons, have an…

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2025: Order and noise


According to a fundamental theory of physics, the theory of information, noise becomes information when it makes sense in a frame of reference. When it doesn’t make sense, it interferes with the circulation of information, and can destroy the frame…

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Victory through chaos


In many supposedly democratic countries, there is a strong temptation for political leaders to break away from the traditional framework of democratic debate: instead of conducting in-depth, rational campaigns based on programs, they rush to the finish line with insults,…

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Not choosing sides


It’s all the rage these days to want to pigeonhole each and every one of us. And to force us to hate and deny the other. For example, we have to choose between defending French identity or European construction; between…

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US election: what then?


The next US administration will have a huge impact on the global economy; and everyone is busy analyzing the differences between the Republican and Democratic programs, and their global consequences. In fact, the expected impact of these elections is not…

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Europe, wake up, it’s your time!

Geopolitics, Prospective

If ever there was a time when the absence of a political Europe was particularly cruel and dangerous, it’s now: On the one hand, the United States is about to have a new president for four years; whatever the voters’…

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New Caledonia, weak signals


What is happening in New Caledonia is not just a local tragedy. Nor is it the sign of a failure to manage a perfectly predictable crisis. It should also be an opportunity to become aware – with much delay for…
