It happens that the possibility of a small reform, seemingly purely
technical, carries in fact the seeds of very profound transformations of
customs, and very significant impact on the structure of our societies.

Thus the reform under discussion, parental leave, which technocratic
language has recently renamed ALCC (Additional Free Choice of Activity).
This measure, which normally insures parents a replacement income to take
care of their children (in addition to welfare, which can finance their
needs), is part of the French family policy, recognized rightly today as one
of the best in the world.

Yet, a remarkable study of the High Family Policy Council, which brings
together 52 representatives of social partners, family associations, elected
officials and experts, has just shown that the CLCA, whom 96 % of
beneficiaries are women, proletarianizes its beneficiaries because of its
low level (at most 550 € / month), excludes women from work because of its
long duration (going up to 3 years from the 2nd child), decreases the
career-advancement opportunities and wage progression for mothers returning
to work after such a long interruption and finally perpetuates the sexual
division of functions in society.

To solve this issue, the High Family Policy Council, offers a choice between
two options without budgetary consequence: either a sharp increase of the
CLCA (ranging up to 70 % of the last salary with a minimum amount) up to a
year after each birth regardless of the number; or a still stronger pay, and
a duration modulated by the number of children: : 6 months for the first, 1
year for the second and 2 years if the family still expands.

These reforms are more than welcome; and undoubtedly we should add at least
three other deep changes in the current situation.

On one hand, an incentive to share this ALCC between both parents, men
taking at least 2 months of parental leave for each child. On the other hand
an increase in the number of day-nurseries and nursery assistants, to enable
parents to truly have the choice to continue to work (according to the High
Family Policy Council 350.000 new places are missing at least, while only
200.000 are promised by the government); finally, it would be necessary to
define a specific status for the CLCA when it is applied to single-parent
families, who have a particular need for assistance, and who will be
increasingly in situation to have to manage young children.

More broadly, attention to parental leave thus leads us to rethink the way
our societies deal with the responsibilities of women and men in age to have
children. And more importantly how they replace each other in the management
of the future. We always return there: a well-managed society implicitly
gives the right to vote to subsequent generations. Ours, on parental leave,
as on many other subjects, still has much progress to make.