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Life, deprived of life


We are currently experiencing in our beautiful France, several episodes of real life that look remarkably like those we are only accustomed to watch on reality TV shows:

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In praise of pessimism


At the moment a little argument is spreading in the French political and intellectual world, which speaks volumes about who we are: whoever reveals some risk is accused of “pessimism”, serious accusation which discredits the person who is so accused: the pessimist sees everything in black, so his opinion has no interest, since he would swear it rains in full sun.

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Care or respect?


If the left-wing wanted to give back to Nicolas Sarkozy all his chances for 2012, it could not make a better choice than reduce its ‘projet de société’, as proposed by Martine Aubry, by the concept of “care” that the first secretary of the Socialist Party explained as a “society of care” gathering «chains of care, family and friend solidarity , neighborhood attention, the commitment of the entire society».

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The Greek situation and the debate on the burqa seem a priori irrelevant. And yet, both refer to a serious disease affecting more and more the modern State, and in particular the French government: unable to enforce the standards it…

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Take your time


Maybe still at the time of this writing, involuntarily delayed three days
more than planned in Washington, as hundreds of thousands of French people,
millions of Europeans stranded away from home, or others, trapped in Europe
far from their homes by the consequences, may be overstated, of the
irruption of an Icelandic volcano, I could measure the importance of these
amazing moments where the control of time escapes us. With everyone story being
interrupted: work, business, social or romantic gatherings, holidays, more
sustainable migrations.

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The great debate


In any democratic society, the unique role of the state is to provide
citizens with security, and for that, make them pay for insurance, known as
tax or social contribution. The question is whether a society can force its members to consider these as
public goods.

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Sauver la démocratie française


Si la démocratie consiste à permettre aux citoyens de prendre librement en étant bien informés, les meilleures décisions pour les générations présentes et futures, alors nous ne sommes pas en démocratie.
