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Fashion and street


At a time when in Paris a flood of thousand people who are making worldwide fashion, there, in this world as in all the others, the street gradually imposes its law.

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La France donne un spectacle lamentable


Il serait peut-être enfin temps de passer aux choses sérieuses. La France est, comme tous les autres pays développés, confrontée à une crise économique, sociale et financière très grave et bien loin d’être réglée. La dette galope, le chômage s’installe et l’école ne remplit plus sa mission universelle, pour ne parler que de cela. Pendant ce temps-là, les acteurs politiques et médiatiques se concentrent sur une affaire, certes très grave…

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Turning school upside down


School is the place where a society conveys its values, and therefore, first, the place where they are reflected. Thus the success or failure of school, is first the values that a generation wants to convey to the next.

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What thinking wrong means


Ever since we started the debates around the French citizenship of people suspected of wrongful acts and around the evictions of Roma people, we have seen criticisms multiplying, comparing these acts to the tragedies that occurred in France since the takeover of Marshal Pétain

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La fin du téléphone mobile


Le débat sur la sécurité du BlackBerry, (lancé récemment dans certains pays qui ne supportent pas qu’il leur soit impossible de briser les codes de transmission des messages) et plusieurs articles dans la presse spécialisée américaine (Clive Thomson, The death of the phone call, Wired) posent la question de l’avenir du téléphone mobile…

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Everyone realizes unconsciously that September will not be easy, to say the least.

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Security and Growth


Without security there can be no growth, in any case not legal growth, and to have security, we must be able to exert authority

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Demoralized society


According to their founding fathers, capitalism and democracy could not function without respect for moral rules based on fairness and transparency.
