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French mood


The mood of today’s France seems very difficult to discern. In fact, it is taking shape with precision, in hollow, through the French people response to the most significant events of recent days…

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Photographing, again and again


Since the invention of photography in 1826, this technology, which Baudelaire was one of the first to understand the importance, has established itself successfully as an art in its own right. And even more so, as the easiest form of art to practice for everyone: you do not become a musician just like that; you can become a photographer just like that…

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In many areas, the East has many things to teach to the West. And those on the subject of the use of the mind are the most important ones. India as well as China have made them into areas of research, experience and practice for a long time…

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Taxpayers: Can they be made altruistic?


A very interesting experiment conducted by the University of Amman in Jordan speaks volumes about the acceptable, fair and effective conditions for achieving social policy: it shows that greater knowledge by the taxpayers of the impact of the redistribution of their tax dollars encourages them to be much more altruistic….

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Prison, what’s next?


The horrible crime (a young girl tortured, raped, murdered) tried just now by the juvenile assize court of Haute Loire does not call for any compassion for the perpetrator. And the verdict, which sentenced him to life in prison, with virtually no possibility of release, is understandable…

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Exasperated France


The tragic fight that led to the death of a young antifascist activist, who was involved in a fight with skinheads from a far-right groupuscule, is in itself just an isolated incident. And, like all weak signals, they are very difficult to interpret. We can see there, depending on how you look at it, the footprints of the violence initiated by extremists grafted onto protests against the marriage for all…

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The fragility of the Western model


Today, If there are countries put forward as a model, for different reasons, it is indeed countries like Sweden and Turkey. Sweden for having the best social model in the world, for over half a century and for having reformed remarkably its public administration in 1993.

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What do we owe to future generations ?


One of the most often repeated ideas, generally without understanding what is at stake, is to advocate the need to take account of the interest of future generations. But in fact, this is not how we behave: we live in the moment, unconcerned about leaving to future generations colossal debts and a rotten environment. …

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Three swallows do not make a spring


A sentenced person holds on to any hope of reduction of their sentence. A jilted lover watches for the slightest sign of hope that could mean the return of his beloved. A patient clings to the slightest sign of remission…
