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COP28 or COP Zero ?

Geopolitics, Prospective

It all began in 1992 when 178 countries, meeting in Rio de Janeiro for the UN Ten-Year Conference on Environment and Development, signed a declaration and convention giving a first official definition of sustainable development and expressing the need to…

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In the meantime

Prospective, Society

Since October 7, the world has watched in amazement (to denounce or celebrate) the monstrous barbarism of Hamas terrorists, their obvious pleasure in torturing, raping, murdering women and children, and the ruthless reaction of an Israeli government that, to put…

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Food insecurity, a fatality?

Prospective, Society

In 2022, according to the latest available statistics, more than 740 million people did not have enough to eat; that’s almost 20% of the population of Africa, 8.5% of Asia, 6.5% of America and 4% of Europe. 260 million of…

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The elephant and the lion

Finance, Prospective

In the great sell-out of concepts and practices, many on the extreme left and right are talking about doing away with democracy. Others, sometimes the same ones, are talking about putting an end to capitalism. None of this makes the…

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Demographic communicating vessels

Geopolitics, Prospective

We all know the figures: the world’s population is expected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050, and even more if the recent trend towards lower school enrolment rates for girls continues. Most of this population will live in developing countries…

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Sound the alarmFeatured


I have been called the “bearer of bad news” far too often for me not to be on my guard about risks and opportunities. That being said, I am convinced that opportunities can only be seized once risks have been…
