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Dangerous game


Nobody can regret the departure of a president who had shown his willingness to shoot protesters, and that of another, who had brought back to life the most hostile laws against women on record in his country…

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France, Germany, dare!


ll euroarea members have now adopted the same economic policy, in the search to improve their competitiveness by supply-side policy…

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The core of political action is summed up in a single word, decide…

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Let’s have a dream


2014 is shaping up to be a bad year: across the world, even though there seems to be the outline at the horizon of the resumption of economic growth and the recovery in investment…

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The tyranny of transparency

Art and Culture

Vint Cerf, the « Internet’s father », just caused a scandal by recalling, with hard-hitting words, the consequences of the dictatorship of transparency, given some of the current trends in the new social networking platforms. For him, the right to privacy may eventually prove to be a parenthesis in human history…

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A forgotten war


While we spend our time arguing about small matters in Europe, in Africa, far from the view of the television cameras and diplomats, one of the deadliest conflicts since World War II is dragging on…
