Jacques Attali

Jacques Attali

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Positive Planet Foundation

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1341 0

Haïti, les promesses non tenues


Les promesses d’aide et la mobilisation semblent déjà oubliées. Sans moyens considérables, Haïti s’enfoncera toujours plus dans la misère et les épidémies.

1394 0

A grand project


The next G20 summit in Seoul in the early days of November, is announced under the worst auspices. And the year of the French presidency which will follow is not more promising.

1232 0

Before, and After

Positive Economy

I hope that we shall here authorize the columnist of l’Express to talk, for once, a bit about himself: I practice many professions at the same time, which feed on each other. Economist, banker, manager of an international institution, amateur conductor in my leisure time; these activities nourish my thinking as a writer and journalist…

1525 0

Si on parlait de la commission sur la croissance

Positive Economy

Et si on en parlait du rapport de la commission que je préside? Les premières réactions après la publication du rapport vendredi 15 octobre n’échappent pas a la tradition: chacun y voit ce qu’il veut y voir, sans se donner de lire plus que ce qui lui permet de conforter sa thèse…

1042 0

Desire, death, and growth


In total, the fear of death is therefore the source of all desire. Desire to save. Desire to consume. Saving is insurance. Consuming is reassurance…
