Jacques Attali

Jacques Attali

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Positive Planet Foundation

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Collections, mode d’emploi (en)

Art and Culture

L’extraordinaire engouement suscité par la vente aux enchères de la collection d’œuvres d’art d’Yves Saint-Laurent et Pierre Bergé n’est pas que la marque d’une fascination pour un couple mythique, au destin si particulier. C’est aussi, et sans doute surtout, la marque de ce que représente pour chacun de nous l’idée même de collection.

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Cocaine crisis


The current financial crisis reminds us of the virtues and the dangers of the world we live in: it is increasingly a virtual world, that is to say the signs are more and more invasive, particularly in three domains: in music, the internet and finance.These three domains are also, and not by chance, privileged places where one finds the usage of a drug: cocaine.

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The Essential Election


A priori, it’s an election that concerns only a tiny country – Israel – confronted with gigantic social problems. In fact, this election concerns the entire world, whose stability relies very heavily on that of the Middle East, which itself relies largely on the capacity of Israelis and Palestinians to make peace and recognize each another.

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Despair at Twenty


It’s impossible not to hear the despair of youth today: Those pursuing their studies are lost in the complexity of the coursework, the dilapidation of the teaching facilities, the absence of scholarships and student housing.

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The Unionization of Banks

Positive Economy

Among the numerous obstacles still hidden in the crisis, there lies one of tremendous amplitude, still carefully concealed despite its imminence: in a few weeks, the banks will announce their results for 2008; they will then have to recognize that their capital stocks.

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Why must it be that it is the unjust occupation of the Palestinian terrorites by an Israel which must be denounced and never that of other neighbors in several bordering countries?

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The General Repetition


The battle presently playing out in Gaza is not only about Israelis and Palestinians; it is the herald of a considerable revolution in the format of warfare between nations, and between nations and non-state entities.
