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Seize the last opportunity


While the main heads of State and Government of the world are going to waste four days of their precious time trying to convince their public opinions that they can solve by vague press releases the problems of the world economy in Mexico, and those of the environment in Brazil, European leaders have really one last chance to decide of their destiny.

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L’Europe, en fin


Si l’union européenne continue pendant quelques mois à se défaire sous nos yeux, en suivant très exactement les scénarios les plus pessimistes, ici exposés depuis des années, elle n’existera bientôt plus.

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After Afghanistan, Mali


The situation with regard to Mali is at the forefront of our preoccupations. This empire founded in the 13th century, the craddle of a thousand cultures, including that of the Dogon, is today a country split in two: in the South, a provisional government terrorized by soldiers walking up and down the streets, invading the national palaces and threatening passengers at airports.

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Grains of sand


According to the polls, which are building up without contradicting themselves more, the presidential election would seem to be over: Francois Hollande will be elected. What could still negate this forecast?

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Talking seriously


Can we still expect, just a short time before the presidential elections, to hear the presidential candidates talk about serious matters, of the competence of the next president? This is doubtful, when we see how they avoid speaking so far about any foreign policy issue…

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For a Eurofederation

Geopolitics, Other videos

Jacques Attali, Simone Harari et Benoît Thieulin ont lancé à la Maison de l’Europe de Paris une pétition “Pour une Eurofédération solidaire et démocratique”. Le Cercle des Européens y était. La pétition est en ligne sur

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For or against « Kony 2012 »?


A video is currently experiencing a tremendous success over the Internet, revealing many dimensions of our modernity. An American NGO, “Invisible Children”, has posted on March 5, a film about thirty minutes, which denounces Joseph Kony, Ugandan warlord, leader of The Lord’s Resistance Army…

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Alea ACTA est


While European political circles continue to fight over an increasingly vanishing power, in the face of increasingly powerful markets, the only EU institution that can still influence reality, the Central Bank, is not under the control of any democratic institutions, for lack of a federal government of the eurozone.
