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When extremes are getting closer


Les partis d’extrême gauche et d’extrême droite font tout pour apparaitre distincts ; et leurs différences sont évidemment majeures, sur un point au moins : leur attitude à l’égard de l’immigration. Pour autant, ils ont de plus en plus de points communs tant dans la forme que sur le fonds…

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Teach in French!


While so many major reforms are waiting to be taken from the sidings, some law proposals recently examined by the Council of Ministers are puzzling, or shocking. This is the case for the law proposal which authorises faculty members to teach in a foreign language in our French universities and Grandes Écoles…

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What does the name Beppe Grillo stand for?


No, Beppe Grillo is not Coluche. Michel Colucci would never have argued that “AIDS is the greatest hoax of the century”, made up by the West, denying the fact that it is a transmissible virus. Neither would have claimed without any proof, that a respected Italian neurologist …

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Acting for Syria


The Syrian National Coalition, an umbrella group of opposition political forces, has just turned down invitations to visit Washington and Moscow and suspended its participation in the Rome conference for the « Friends of Syria », in protest at the absence of a reaction from these « friends » over the destructions, by missile strikes from Assad’s armies…

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Europe, the Groucho Marx version


British Prime Minister David Cameron, by asking to renegotiate the European Union Treaty, before giving Britons a straight referendum choice on whether to stay in the European Union or leave, is applying Groucho Marx’s famous dictum: “I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.”..

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The urgent and the important


2013, a year without elections in France, started with a bang: a welcome agreement on job market reform, some high-risk military operations in Africa, where the destiny of France is decided, and protests against same-sex marriage…

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Two Europes, two Parliaments


If we do not want the current upturn in the financial markets (which gives the illusion that the euro is saved) to be a parenthesis between two storms, it is urgent to restore economic growth and for this, to clarify the political strategy required.

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Can we still tolerate dictatorships?


Since 1989 when the thaw of dictatorships began, around the world, it became increasingly difficult for public opinion in the democracies to stand by idly while revolutions were crushed by tyrants…
