Jacques Attali

Jacques Attali

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The Norwegian lesson


The terrible Norwegian massacre, may appear as a terrible incident, isolated act of a mentally ill person, with no more importance than Unabomber, the American killer that inspired him. It can, however, be interpreted as the announcement of a vast geopolitical movement expected for a long time and anticipated by many theorists.

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Democracy, how many divisions?

Positive Economy

Strange irony: 2012 will be for many democracies, starting with ours, a very important election year. And in all other countries subject to dictatorships, peoples are yearning for free elections. The whole of humanity thus seems to take control of its destiny.

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Greece, Poland and us


While the Greek crisis seems to move away, the arrival, in the rotating presidency of the European Union, of Poland, sends back to the close and mysterious relationship between money and defense in all human history.

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What qualities for a president?


Candidacy season for the presidential elections is open. For both left and right parties. For now, we have failed to see emerge the real reasons behind these nominations, but personal ambitions, or so-called edication to the national cause. And for the moment, we are in the midst of a school-boys’ quarrel.

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Economic Meetings of Aix-en-Provence 2011


Jacques Attali will conclude the discussions of the 8th of July, at 6:30pm. Program and registration: http://www.lecercledeseconomistes.asso.fr/spip.php?article424

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Summer Camp of Event Organization – Lille


Jacques Attali will speak from 10:45am to 11:30am. The conference takes place in the Grand Palais of Lille. Program and registration are available here: http://anae.org/universites

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Summer Camp of the LICRA – Le Havre


Jacques Attali will speak from 2pm to 6pm in the session regarding Community Service. Program and registration are available here: http://www.licra.org/fr/tout-ce-quil-faut-savoir-sur-universit%C3%A9s-d%C3%A9t%C3%A9
