Jacques Attali

Jacques Attali

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Positive Planet Foundation

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Talking seriously


Can we still expect, just a short time before the presidential elections, to hear the presidential candidates talk about serious matters, of the competence of the next president? This is doubtful, when we see how they avoid speaking so far about any foreign policy issue…

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May 7, hangover

Positive Economy

Everyone knows, everyone says that France must reduce its public debt. Everyone knows, everyone says that the campaign is not on that subject. Everyone knows, everyone says that no serious saving proposal is made by any candidate…

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Be careful Mr. Draghi

Positive Economy

Dans une interview ahurissante donnée cette semaine à l’hebdomadaire allemand Bild, le Président de la Banque Centrale Européenne, Mario Draghi, tout à son entreprise de charme à l’égard de l’Allemagne, a franchi les frontières de ce à quoi l’autorisent son statut et son rôle.

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For a Eurofederation

Geopolitics, Other videos

Jacques Attali, Simone Harari et Benoît Thieulin ont lancé à la Maison de l’Europe de Paris une pétition “Pour une Eurofédération solidaire et démocratique”. Le Cercle des Européens y était. La pétition est en ligne sur www.eurofederation.eu

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For or against « Kony 2012 »?


A video is currently experiencing a tremendous success over the Internet, revealing many dimensions of our modernity. An American NGO, “Invisible Children”, has posted on March 5, a film about thirty minutes, which denounces Joseph Kony, Ugandan warlord, leader of The Lord’s Resistance Army…

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Money and Human Development


In these exclusive interviews we speak to Prof. Jacques Attali and Dr. Tilman Ehrbeck (CEO of the World Bank’s Consultative Group to Assist the Poor ‐ CGAP). We discuss the state of financial inclusion globally and look deeper into how microfinance, technology and other instruments are working to eradicate poverty and bring opportunity to billions worldwide.

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The moment of truth

Positive Economy

Francois Hollande’s 75 percent tax rate proposal for those with annual income of more than EUR 1 million is both totally impractical and extremely useful.
