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The ‘Global South’: a very dangerous concept


For several weeks now, an extraordinary diplomatic ballet has been taking place in the countries of the South, about which little is heard in the West: the Chinese Foreign Minister is travelling throughout Africa and the ASEAN countries, while his…

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China, the wrong choice


Everything gives the impression that we must go to China; and not a single head of state, from a developed or emerging country, thinks that he or she should go there at the beginning of his or her term of…

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Towards Zionism’s suicide?


Human history is full of examples of peoples and civilisations that, consciously or not, have committed suicide: from the Trojans’ decision to bring Odysseus’ horse inside their city walls, to the Brexit, to the destruction of the forests of Easter…

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The war in Ukraine, what next?


Rarely has there been so much left unsaid in a war as in this one: what do we really want to achieve in the end? The Ukrainians apparently have a clear goal: to regain their entire territory. But could they…

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Ending the praise of authoritarian regimes.


For years it had become fashionable in the main circles of influence in democratic countries, both intellectual and business, to praise authoritarian regimes. The former applauded the long-term vision of their leaders; the latter praised their economic efficiency and commercial…

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Should we end the European Union?


In the current circumstances, as a European summit meets in Prague, many people would like to see an end to the European Union: Vladimir Putin’s Russia, first of all, for whom the Union is a counter-model and a hope for…

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The infernal triangle


While reading the major books of my master Fernand Braudel, I noticed the existence, in the history of geopolitics, of a law of implacable predictive validity which can be very useful to each of us in many fields: At the…
