After a very remarkable speech by the President of the Republic, proposing
many reforms (among which many were taken from the report of the commission
that I had the honor to preside, like reducing the number of territorial
levels, the generalization of “contrat de transition professionnelle “
(CTP)[1] that initiates the contract of evolution, the revival of research,
health, education, and major projects, by borrowing if necessary) we cannot
but be surprised, if not disappointed, by the new government, and by the
reception which it received. Not that the women and men that constitute it
are not outstanding, (in particular the one we speak so much about,
and who has all the necessary skills, beyond the glory of his uncle, for the
position he was proposed). But because in fact, the very structure of this
government, the protocolar rank of ministers, and the debates that have
preceded and followed its implementation, demonstrate that many in this
country, have not yet understood the reality of the challenges that the
president has, nevertheless, so often and so well described.

All the debates were indeed focused on the ministries of sovereignty:
homeland security, justice, foreign relations, culture. Very little has been
said about the most important departments for the future (industry,
agriculture) of which it is well-known that those occupying them now,
despite their merits were not candidates and have no special competence to
fill them. It is also significant that the head of new technologies, a
highly competent woman, stays in a derisory protocolar rank, that the
Ministry of Environment has not clearly identified its major responsibility
in the big infrastructures, that no one really knows who is in charge of
energy, or adult education, that the minister of health, or of research and
universities, whose results are even more debatable than that of many who are
leaving, are still there. And that nobody is clearly in charge of a plan.

The whole country, debating since two days primarily on questions of
persons, seems to look at the future in a rear-view mirror, by giving
importance only to the sovereign ministries and the smiles of the promoted.
As if we were still in the days of our past splendor, as if we did not have
to fight every second to invest, acquire technologies, train executives,
attract talents, reduce waste and injustice.

If everyone, in its place, does not become aware of this, the facts, one
day, will force us.